learn JSON

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiADhChRriM What Mods can I make?The current modding system for Vintage Story is incredibly flexible and quite easy to use even if you don’t know how to program. You can add fully functional blocks, items and even entities into the game without ever opening an IDE. More complex changes and systems can be made using … Read more

null nothing or nix

0: how to say “null”, is the sound U or O? 1: https://youglish.com/pronounce/null/english 2: #null 3: #nothing 4: #nichts 5: #nix 6: durch die Ziffer 0 dargestellter mathematischer, physikalischer o. ä. Wert oder darstellbare Menge, Zahl 7: Kollokationen:als Adjektivattribut: null Euro, Fehler, Grad, Prozent, Punkte, Stimmen, Uhr 8: Phrasem:⟨null Komma nichts, nix (= gar nichts)⟩ 9: … Read more